Today, Thursday 21 st September, marks the second annual Project EDWARD, an initiative that aims to see one day in Europe with no road deaths (EDWARD stands for European Day Without A Road Death) “Drivers are unwittingly or sometimes knowingly putting other road users in so many ways, perhaps by speeding, drink-driving, not wearing a seat belt, using the phone while driving, using vehicles they have not kept roadworthy, parking their cars on bicycle lanes, blocking pedestrian crossings, not turning on their lights or engaging in risky manoeuvres. In the days leading up to the Project EDWARD day, we want all road users to think – even for a few short minutes – about the risks they face, the risks they may pose to others and how they can go about reducing those risks.” - from TISPOL What we’re doing: Travel Safe Bucks supports TISPOL’s work today, and all year round by promoting road safety campaigns and offering training and workshops to all road users, from the newest o...