A mocktail will leave you hangover-free as well as safe on the roads

If you are driving, it’s best not to drink at all – it takes a lot longer than most people think for alcohol to pass through the body. On average it takes about one hour per unit of alcohol, but this can vary depending on a number of factors including weight, age, gender, and medications.

That's why we've put together some lovely mocktail recipes to make at your BBQs, summer get-togethers, picnics, and World Cup viewing parties. There's no reason to miss out on delicious refreshment just because you're the designated driver...

If you'd like to share these recipes at your workplace, organisation, or parish, there is a PDF of the recipes cards free to download and print on the county council website, here.

NEW! Zesty Pi-NO Colada

Ingredients for 2 servings:
70-100g pineapple, puréed
300ml Coconut water
Juice of half a lemon
Pineapple to garnish

Adding lemon to this rum-free take on a classic cocktail gives it a little zing! Purée the pineapple chunks using a blender, and mix with the lemon juice and coconut water. Leave to chill in the fridge while garnishing the glassware and then pour over plenty of ice. Best served poolside!

Elderflower Fauxjito

Ingredients for 2 servings:
Elderflower cordial
Tonic water
Juice of one lime
Ice, cucumber, and fresh mint to serve

This refreshing drink is perfect for a hot day, or to accompany a spicy Mexican feast! Pour the fresh lime juice and 25ml serving of elderflower cordial over ice. Mix it with a sprig of mint and slices of cucumber, and top up with tonic or sparkling water before serving.

Lady Grey Iced Tea

Ingredients for 1 litre:
Two oranges, juiced
500ml Lady Grey or Earl Grey tea, brewed hot
400ml tonic water
Orange slices and lemon thyme to serve

The secret to really good iced tea is to brew the tea hot, not cold, and allow it to cool. Using a large jug, pour the juiced oranges and cooled tea over ice and plenty of orange slices and thyme. Stir well, and top up with the tonic water just before serving. Add sugar to taste if needed, and enjoy!

And if you are drinking...

Remember that it can take a lot longer than you think for alcohol to pass through your system, and you could still be over the limit the morning after a big night. Check how many units of alcohol are in your favourite drinks using the Morning After calculator app or website: morning-after.org.uk


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