
Get your child’s car seat checked at Aylesbury Tesco this Monday

Road users can get their child car seats checked this Monday, 11 th March, between 10am – 2pm at Tring Road Tesco, Aylesbury. The pop up event will be held by Thames Valley Police (TVP) with team members from In-Car Safety Centre there to help with the checks. Supported by the County Council’s road safety initiative, Travel Safe Bucks, the event is part of a month long focus on seatbelt safety in Buckinghamshire. There will also be a pop up event on 14 th March between 10-2pm at Kingston District Tesco, Milton Keynes. Car seat facts: -         You should always buy car seats new, and from a trusted retailer. If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is -         Car seats should always be replaced after a collision -         Babies and toddlers should not be strapped in wearing a coat; a thick coat creates too big a gap between the baby’s body and the ha...

Storm Freya to cause difficult driving conditions

The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for strong winds affecting Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire this weekend, from late Sunday 3rd to Monday 4th March. We often think of severe driving conditions being down to ice and snow, but strong winds can cause some of the most treacherous conditions on the roads. Travel Safe Bucks has put together some advice below for drivers about what to expect and how to react if you get caught in strong winds What to expect: Exposed stretches of road and bridges are often the most at risk areas, but sudden gusts when passing tall buildings or high-sided vehicles can also catch drivers off guard in built up areas Trees or debris in the road – the AA recommends keeping an eye out for twigs on the road , which could mean a tree has come down further along Standing water, which can cause aquaplaning Some road or bridge closures. Stay away from high sided vehicles in windy weather Advice for road users in windy weather:...

Top 5 Winter Car Safety Hacks

It’s important to do regular walk-round checks of your vehicle at any time of the year, but especially so in the winter. Below are our top five winter car hacks to help keep you safe when travelling this festive season... 1. Make basic car safety part of your morning routine Check your lights and wipers are clean and working, and that all windows, mirrors and number plates are clean and free from snow, ice and condensation. Check your tyres regularly, including the spare, to ensure they are not damaged, are correctly inflated, and have a tread depth of at least three millimetres. Remember to make sure the screen wash bottle is topped up with appropriate screen wash, and not water as this will freeze. 2. Call in the experts if you're not sure  Remember, you can always get your local garage to help you with winter checks, such as for your tyre pressures, anti-freeze, and battery. Your battery has to work a lot harder in the winter and may struggle in the cold, get it...

A mocktail will leave you hangover-free as well as safe on the roads

If you are driving, it’s best not to drink at all – it takes a lot longer than most people think for alcohol to pass through the body . On average it takes about one hour per unit of alcohol, but this can vary depending on a number of factors including weight, age, gender, and medications. That's why we've put together some lovely mocktail recipes to make at your BBQs, summer get-togethers, picnics, and World Cup viewing parties. There's no reason to miss out on delicious refreshment just because you're the designated driver... If you'd like to share these recipes at your workplace, organisation, or parish, there is a PDF of the recipes cards free to download and print on the county council website, here. NEW! Zesty Pi-NO Colada Ingredients for 2 servings: 70-100g pineapple, puréed 300ml Coconut water Juice of half a lemon Pineapple to garnish Adding lemon to this rum-free take on a classic cocktail gives it a little zing! Purée the pineapple ...
From Monday 4 June 2018, learner drivers will be able to take driving lessons on motorways in England, Scotland and Wales, as long as they are accompanied by an approved driving instructor in a dual control car. Currently drivers can only have motorway lessons after they have passed their driving test. From 4th June, learner drivers on the motorway will need to be: •           Accompanied by an Approved Driving Instructor •           Driving a car fitted with dual controls The aim of the new law is to help to make sure new drivers know how to use motorways safely. Any motorways lessons will be voluntary. It will be up to the driving instructor to decide when the learner driver is competent enough for them. For more information and details of the change in law, see the government website .

Council and police increase speed enforcement and awareness

Excessive or inappropriate speed remains a contributory factor in a significant number of fatal and serious road collisions, despite deterrents such as safety cameras, penalties and widespread educational campaigns. Thames Valley Police, Bucks Fire and Rescue, and the county council’s Travel Safe Bucks team are joining up to promote ‘Speed Week’, an annual event by the European Traffic Police Network (TISPOL) from 16th – 22nd April. During the week there will be a combination of increased education campaigns and enforcement across the county. As well as the additional enforcement and the online campaigns, there will be a pop up event at Tesco Buckingham on Wednesday 18th, where police and road safety officers will be talking to drivers about the dangers and consequences of speeding. Be a Healthy Driver Travel Safe Bucks, the county council road safety initiative to educate and train all road users on safe behaviours, has produced their own speed awareness campaign, Healthy...

Take Biking to the next level this summer in Buckinghamshire

'Be a Better Biker' Assessment days are back for 2018 Bookings are now being taken for the most extensive Be a Better Biker (BaBB) season in Buckinghamshire yet. Running between April and September, the assessment days are hosted by Thames Vale Advanced Motorcyclists (TVAM) and are open to all bikers with a full motorcycle licence. BaBB aims to progress good bikers into great bikers, offering a workshop on the principles of advanced riding followed by an on-road assessment. Local biker Franco Amarro regained his confidence after a crash with TVAM. More on Franco's experience,  here .                              The workshops, which run from 10am – 4pm and cost £20 per rider, will all take place at Marlow Fire Station on: Saturday 28 th April Sunday 13 th May Saturday 23 rd June Sunday 22 nd July                       ...