Take Biking to the next level this summer in Buckinghamshire

'Be a Better Biker' Assessment days are back for 2018 Bookings are now being taken for the most extensive Be a Better Biker (BaBB) season in Buckinghamshire yet. Running between April and September, the assessment days are hosted by Thames Vale Advanced Motorcyclists (TVAM) and are open to all bikers with a full motorcycle licence. BaBB aims to progress good bikers into great bikers, offering a workshop on the principles of advanced riding followed by an on-road assessment. Local biker Franco Amarro regained his confidence after a crash with TVAM. More on Franco's experience, here . The workshops, which run from 10am – 4pm and cost £20 per rider, will all take place at Marlow Fire Station on: Saturday 28 th April Sunday 13 th May Saturday 23 rd June Sunday 22 nd July ...